学院将对潜在的第九条和全校范围内的指控进行公正和彻底的调查 Policy Against Sex Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault and Other Forms of Sexual Violence, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence and Stalking violations and will objectively adjudicate disciplinary proceedings. 如果被指控的违反政策的行为也可能涉及犯罪行为,投诉人或学院可以向华盛顿市警察局报案.

Title IX Investigation

性行为不端的报告将提交给第九条协调员或指定人员. 第九条调查的结果是对事实的发现和是否存在违反第九条的决定. 因为调查结果可能成为未来任何纪律程序的一部分,并可能被传唤, the respondent may wish to seek legal counsel. Please see the policy for more information about the process.


联邦政府要求同事为任何报告违反第九条或提出违反政策的案件的人提供补救和便利, even before the investigation is concluded. 这些可能包括无接触订单和班级和住房的变化,或工作分配. W&我将努力分散任何要求的便利对投诉人和被投诉人的影响, but it is required to minimize the burden on the complainant.

Student Respondents

如果调查发现有其他违反学生行为准则的行为, a student respondent may be referred to the Director of Community Standards and Support Services. 请参阅学生手册中的学生行为准则部分了解更多信息.

Faculty and Staff Respondents
